The Next Step Summit Replay had a terrific week 3, featuring messages from Heather Zempel and David Miller and hosted by Ben Ward. We now have people participating from 20 states and 12 countries. Better yet, people are getting unstuck and taking steps of faith as Jesus leads them. Take a peek at the week’s content here and make sure you don’t miss anymore by registering here.
Key Quotes from Week 3
“A mess isn’t a problem to be solved, but an environment to manage.”
“Messes can become incubators for miracles when we’re willing to walk with others through the process, hold onto them as their character is forged, and their faith is strengthened.”
“Instead of making disciples like a travel agent where we tell people what to expect, what would it look like if we acted more like tour guides? Where we say, ‘Come along with me. Do life with me as I live it. Watch me as I do it.’”
“Real leaders aren’t intimated by someone else’s gifts and abilities. Instead, they give a platform for them.”
“‘Just talk’ is a double entendre. We don’t just talk but we talk justly.”
“It’s not complex: the kingdom of darkness wants to impact how you love God and how you love your neighbor.”
“We each have 7 tribes of influence: our family, friends, church, career, interest groups, neighborhood, and the world. We cannot underestimate our influence and place in this world that God has given us.”
“Silence is betrayal. We can never operate in channels of comfort where people are suffering.”
“A great coach is a professional question-asker.”
“Story mining is thoughtfully uncovering a person’s story and allowing it to shape the way you lead them.”
“It is far too easy to mistake criticism for leadership.”
“Be more than a nice person. Be intentional with your praise. Allow it to build into the relationships you have.”
“Serenity is the absence of chaos. It is a hush, a pause.”
God: “I get misquoted so much.”
God: “In life, sometimes it’s really going to be tough. And there are going to be things that come at you that you cannot bear. But nothing will ever come at you that I cannot bear.”
God: “You’re my child! And you’re going to run. You’re going to run and not get tired because you’re not running by your own strength, you’re running with my strength. That’s the way to truly live life.”
“I discovered some things—ancient things—that I didn’t really know about, but they brought depth and gave me a new well to dig from.”
Want more Summit Replay quotes? Check out Week 1, Week 2, Week 4, and Week 5.
QUESTION (leave a comment below)
Which quote is your favorite? Why?
This is GREAT! super helpful recap 🙂
Thanks. Such a terrific group of speakers.