Equipping new, growing, or struggling believers to live as disciple-makers.
Say NO to a boring faith. Say YES to a life that matters.

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There is a difference between a Christian and a disciple. Evaluate the differences, learn how to grow as a disciple, and see why it matters.
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Learn How To...
Set Your Goal
Clarity is key. Understand and define what a disciple of Jesus is and does as you strive to grow as one.
Create Your Plan
Process matters. You’ll learn the next best step for yourself, for those you disciple, and for your church.
Impact Your World
God is already at work where you are. Learn to make disciples in your home, on the job, in the classroom, in your church, or in the supermarket.
What Leading Disciplemakers Are Saying

If you long for a deeper relationship with God but feel busyness of life makes a close relationship with God challenging—and at times, impossible, Gregg will help you find the way. He will inspire you to find a rhythm that enables you to experience Jesus in every part and each moment of your life.
—Ken Shigematsu, Pastor, Tenth Church, Vancouver, BC and best-selling author of God in My Everything and Survival Guide for the Soul

Compelling and creative and challenging! Gregg lays out the clear choice of every believer — will we embrace the adventure of becoming a disciple of Jesus? Grounded in Scripture, each of these segments is communicated with practical steps and tremendous visual support. I urge you to dive in!
—Nancy Beach, Author and Leadership Coach with Slingshot Group

The highest calling in life, and the greatest summons you will ever receive, is “Follow Me.” Dr. Farah draws from his quiver-full of resources to provide tips and techniques, metaphors and mechanisms, stories and strategies to help us better follow Jesus and help others follow Jesus. His quieting spirit is a quickening source and a safe place to wrestle with our highest calling.
—Leonard Sweet, Best-selling author, professor, founder and chief contributor to PreachTheStory.com

Spiritual formation is serious business and LetsMakeDisciples.org is terrific. Gregg’s articles and resources offer bite-sized next steps for those exploring what it means to be a disciple of Jesus and for veteran disciple-makers. Gregg is a practitioner who continues to learn how to make disciples. He has done a fantastic job with this.
—Gary Thomas, International speaker and bestselling author of Sacred Marriage, Sacred Pathways, and Cherish

Making disciples isn’t for the spiritually elite. It’s for everyone who calls themselves followers of Jesus. Gregg invites those new to the faith to believe God can use them, equips growing believers to take their next step, and resources seasoned disciple-makers with tools that work.
—Doug Fields, Speaker, Best-selling author and founder of DownloadYouthMinistry.com

Over the 20+ years that I’ve known him, Gregg Farah has always had a heart for the encouragement, coaching, and commitment that go into seeing people grow to become more like Jesus. His rich experience with people and with churches goes into all the tools available on LetsMakeDisciples.
—Tom Holladay, Best-selling author and Teaching Pastor at Saddleback Church