A church leader I respect who has a thriving ministry says, “Pastors should have offices adorned with signs saying, ‘It’s About the Weekend, Stupid.’” I understand the heart of the sentiment: the Sunday service is a main attraction for a church; therefore, most of the staff’s time (75% according to the church leader) should be […]
Dear Church Leader, Don’t Hire a Discipleship Pastor
Discipleship is enjoying a resurgence in US America. While it has long thrived in other parts of the world, US Pastors have been content to ride the wave of church growth for decades. While there’s nothing wrong with growing a church, our obsession with it has distracted us from our primary calling: making disciples. After […]
It Happens Once Every 100 Years
Yesterday, February 2, 2022, was my self-proclaimed International Disciple-making Day. If you think that makes me sound quirky, you’d have plenty of evidence, but since I’m writing this article, I’m calling it passion. February 2 was not the only day to make disciples, but it served as a Christian’s reminder to fulfill Jesus’ command to […]
Be Clear and Specific
Want to stop “playing church” and focus on Jesus’ clear command to make disciples? The first and arguably most important step is to define disciple. Without a clear, easy-to-understand, and, preferably memorable, definition, we will have minimal impact. Worse, we will frustrate teachers and leaders in our churches who may have alternate views of what […]
A Summit Replay Recap
There are plenty of numbers to highlight over our Next Step Summit experience. 40 Days — 37 speakers and artists — 28 Big Ideas and Next Steps — 1 Savior. During our Summit Replay, we met people from 21 US states and 14 countries. When you add the participants from our 3-day October Summit, we […]
Experience the Summit Replay During the 40 Days of Lent
We are excited to offer a REPLAY of last fall’s successful Next Step Summit. We had 500 people register for our 3-day event from 17 countries, and this time we’re expecting MANY MORE since our event now extends to over 40 days. You can sign up here. Here’s why our Next Step Summit is so important Churches […]
Follow Me
“Find a job” — Google offers nearly four billion options “Find direction in life” — Google provides more than one billion options “Follow me” — Jesus issues one personal invitation In their gospels, both Matthew and Mark share Jesus’ invitation to Peter and Andrew: “Follow me, and I will send you out to fish for […]
Don’t Miss Out!
The Next Step Summit is a FREE 3-day online conference of 30 speakers and artists ready to encourage, affirm, and challenge Christians to keep following Jesus by taking their next step of faith. Three nights — October 6,7,8 — from 5-9:30 PM EST. FREE! (Yes, it’s free!) Who should attend The Next Step Summit? It’s hope for the tired and overwhelmed Christian It’s a GPS […]
What’s Your Next Step?
I’m excited to announce the 2020 Next Step Summit. Are you tired? Fatigued? Feel overwhelmed? The Next Step Summit is for you. This summit addresses questions asked by many sincere Jesus followers who feel stuck or whose faith has stalled: Why is the Christian faith so challenging? Why does everyone else succeed? What am I […]
You Got This
Click Here to see further thoughts on this topic. QUESTION (leave a comment below) Can you relate? How so?
Hope for Doubters
I remember not wanting to get out of bed, but I had promised my kids I would play a game with them. I remember not wanting to get out of bed, but Janine had been waiting for more than an hour to leave with me. I remember not wanting to get out of bed, but […]
Who Can You Lean On?
Who can you call at 2 AM, no questions asked? Whose call will you answer at 2 AM? The Christian life is not a solo event. You and I need teammates to navigate through life successfully. Sometimes we will be the one limping, needing help; other times, we will be the one coming alongside a […]