We are the church

WE Are the Church

One powerful takeaway from our Covid quarantine is that WE—the people—are the church. For years we met regularly in a building and casually referred to it as the church. It’s reasonable to do so because it is a bit awkward to say, “Hey, are you going to the building where the church gathers?” Much simpler […]

Reading highlights. quick quotes

Quick Quotes (2)

Here are some highlights from books I’ve recently read or am currently reading… And if you want to read some from my last collection, click here. This post contains affiliate links. If you click and make a purchase, I’ll get a commission at no extra cost to you. All opinions remain my own. Peterson, Eugene […]

Never lose hope

11 Reasons Why You Should Never Lose Hope

We can all use hope–this month more than ever. Fortunately, we have the hope of Christ illustrated this Friday as we remember Good Friday and then again on Easter Sunday when we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection. Never lose hope. It is around us and within us. And in case you’ve forgotten, here are 11 reasons why […]

Do something now

Time is Ticking…Do Something Now

My friend and New York City Police officer, Sergeant Carlos Martinez, contracted the COVID-19 virus while on the job. Thankfully, he is on the road to recovery. Still, there was an initial concern for his health and a curiosity for how he would use his time while quarantined in his daughter’s pink bedroom, particularly since […]

Grow your faith with your phone

22 Ways to Skyrocket Your Faith by Using Your Phone

Can’t put down your phone? Get nervous and start to sweat if your phone is missing? Don’t worry; I’m not going to criticize you. Rather, let’s use your unhealthy compulsion (Ooh, not fair?) constructively. Instead of losing an hour in the blink of an eye (“Wait. What time is it?”), use your phone for good. […]

Share your heart

Share Your Heart When You Hurt

It’s laborious to find the right words when experiencing grief and loss, yet healthy communication is a powerful tool for people in pain. When we have questions about faith and God’s involvement—or apparent lack thereof—it helps to process what we feel by identifying a feeling with a word or phrase. And for times when words […]

Eugene Peterson

Quick Quotes (1)

Here are some highlights from books I’ve recently read or am currently reading… (And if you want some additional quotes, click here.) This post contains affiliate links. If you click and make a purchase, I’ll get a commission at no extra cost to you. All opinions remain my own. Peterson, Eugene H. A Long Obedience […]

Stop reading your Bible and start engaging it

Stop reading your Bible and Start Engaging It

As we approach the new year, I want you to think beyond goals and resolutions and focus on breaking a bad habit. Stop reading the Bible. It’s a dangerous habit and could be a waste of time. This post contains affiliate links. If you click and make a purchase, I’ll get a commission at no […]

25 ways to read your Bible

25 Ways to Read Your Bible That Will Boost its Impact

The Bible is more impressive and influential than any of us is aware. Even those who hold the Bible in high regard do not appreciate it fully. No one does. It continues to inspire and impress. In an age of multiple voices on an array of platforms, the Bible stands alone. Josh and Sean McDowell […]

You need a sponsor

You Need a Sponsor

The church can learn a lot from organizations like AA (Alcoholics Anonymous). Two primary reasons: they’re honest they have a plan If you attend a meeting with your friend Gerald, you’ll hear him say, “Hello, my name is Gerald, and I’m an alcoholic.” There will be no gasps or horrified looks. No one will point […]

reasons to not spend time with God

5 Liberating Reasons NOT to Spend Time With God

I remember exactly where I was when I decided I would stop spending time with God. As I drove away from class at Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon, I determined I had enough. I was going to give up my disciplined quiet time for two weeks. That might seem like an odd commitment. Don’t people […]

time with God

5 Valuable Reasons to Spend Time with God

“Come, follow me,” is Jesus’ invitation we can indulge or ignore. When I was in third grade and walked to my grandparent’s apartment after school, I got to decide whether or not I would stop to visit my mother’s uncle’ on the way home. As a doorman, he regularly received tips from residents going in […]