Modern culture views surrender as a sign of weakness. But it can also be a wise and powerful decision. Surrendering our desires to embrace the improved plan and purpose of another is shrewd. And surrendering to the prudent purposes of an all-knowing, all-powerful, and loving God is both wise and life-giving.
Surrendering to God is easy, yet it is the most difficult decision we will ever make. And it’s not just something Jesus followers do once—at salvation—but tens of thousands of times throughout our lives and dozens (if not hundreds) of times a day.
Salvation is surrender. It recognizes we cannot earn our salvation, and we cannot pay for our sins. We’ve got to surrender our lives to Jesus and allow him to accomplish what only he can. This video on the life of the acrobat Blondin powerfully illustrates trust and surrender.
While the salvation moment of surrender impacts our eternity, daily and moment-by-moment surrender impacts our legacy.
- Each time you face temptation…
- Each time you fear or worry…
- Each time you are ready to say or do the wrong thing…
- Each time (if you’re married) you are enticed to take “the second look” at an attractive person who caught your eye…
- Each time (you get the idea)…
While the salvation moment of surrender impacts our eternity, daily and moment-by-moment surrender impacts our legacy.
In those moments, surrender your desire to say, think, or do the wrong, unhealthy, or foolish thing and choose to say, think, or do what God prompts instead. Exchange your will for God’s. Surrender your craving for God’s caring. That can be difficult—and I don’t want to minimize the challenge in doing so—but it’s also that easy.
Imagine holding a TV remote, flipping back and forth to channels offering unhealthy content. Seated next to you is Jesus, inviting you to hand him the remote so he can find an acceptable program, or even provide an alternative activity. Placing the remote in Jesus’ hand is surrendering control. Jesus now determines what you watch.
Our challenge is that multiple times a day, we take the remote back and watch what we want. And each time, Jesus invites us to return it to him. When we do, it’s an act of surrender. Picture yourself giving Jesus the remote or your car key or your laptop as a way to say, “Jesus, at this moment, I am giving you control in this area of my life.” Do that every time you face temptation.
Surrender can be a weakness, or it can be the wisest, most powerful, life-changing decision you make—hundreds of times a day.
QUESTION (leave a comment below)
What is one experience you’ve had where you successfully surrendered (or need to surrender) your will for God’s?
It will be nice to have some practical ways to surrender. I want to surrender even with things I am going through right now- work, life. I am restless, I pray, meditate, talk to God, pray some more. doesn’t seem to be working. I feel exhausted and tire. Many things are easier said than done. I know God is exercising my muscle, But going through it is still very hard.
Thank you for your honest response, Crystal. And thank you for an idea for a future post. Right now I would encourage you by saying GREAT job meditating and praying. Sometimes those provide a “quick fix” but most of the time our efforts to grow our heart, soul, and mind for Jesus are like taking vitamins. We don’t see an immediate response but there is a cumulative effect. God is working in you and you will see the fruit in time. Without knowing specifics of your situation, the most I can say is continue to persevere and “less is more.” Is there any activity you can cut or decrease to allow more time for your body and soul to rest/breathe? I will also pray for you right now. Thanks again for sharing.
14 years ago,when I lost my son Richie,God walked me through the process of surrendering.and boy it was a process. But I was never so desperate for The Lords mercy for survival…..This word surrender became my way if life…God put on my heart the scripture Matthew 11:28…Jesus said come to me all who are carrying heavy burdens and i will give you rest…that scripture is on my sons gravestone ….The lord binds the brokenhearted indeed!!! He has never left me and never will!!! Praise God !!!
Wow. Thank you, Roberta, for sharing. God has really shown up in your life. May you see the ongoing blessing of moment-by-moment surrender. God is good.
Greg, I appreciate the simple visual of ‘handing over the remote’.
Thanks, Nick. Sometimes we need a picture! At least I do.