SUMMARY: Do good
OVERVIEW: Paul wants Titus to remind the believers that though they once lived a certain way, controlled by their selfishness, God has renewed them to live productive lives.
BIG IDEA: We are saved to serve.
KEY VERSE: Titus 3:4-5 (Paul to Titus)
But—When God our Savior revealed his kindness and love, he saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He washed away our sins, giving us a new birth and new life through the Holy Spirit.
Are you ready? I want you to go through the day with your eyes and ears open to what I may show you or say. Pray for your heart to be soft and ready to respond to my nudge to go a specific direction to help someone. There are all kinds of ways to help—you may be needed to bring a smile to someone’s face, help them move a box, listen to their story, offer to pray, share a meal, or a host of other things. You may have several opportunities today or none at all. Be ready.
Your good works do not save you. Only Jesus’ life could do that. And your good works won’t make me love you any more than I already do. I love you completely, and nothing will change that. But your good works play a role—they indicate to me and others that your faith and love for me are authentic. Do good today because you have new life in Christ. Do good today because you want to live a holy, thankful, productive life. Plus, it’ll be fun.
Be ready to do good today. Be prayerful and open to what God wants you to do, or how he may use you to rally others to serve another person, family, or organization. Stop and pray right now. What is God saying?