SUMMARY: Sexually fulfilled
OVERVIEW: The married couple celebrates the blessing and enjoyment of sex.
BIG IDEA: When married couples are faithful, they can enjoy one another.
KEY VERSE: Song of Solomon 7:11 (the woman to the man)
Come, my love, let us go out to the fields and spend the night among the wildflowers.
I created sex for husbands and wives to enjoy one another. It is to be a special time, set aside for love, affection, and relationship building. Honor the marriage bed. Let it be a place of peace and rest and desire—not a reminder of unfaithfulness. Pursue purity in all your relationships so that sex in marriage can be enjoyed and celebrated. You cannot avoid temptation, but you can run from it. Flee temptation and run into the arms of your spouse or to your friends for encouragement and support.
When you say “no” to temptation, you are saying “yes” to me. When you set aside selfish desires to pursue purity, you show me you love me. I don’t ask you to avoid temptation because I’m cruel. I do it because I love you. Your faith muscles grow more robust, and your heart expands each time you choose me and my ways. I will give you all your heart desires. Follow me today.
Evaluate how you use your time, the shows you watch, and even the money you spend. Say “no” today to anything that leads you towards impure living or thinking. Replace those thoughts or temptations with prayer and choosing to show kindness to those around you.