SUMMARY: Relationship challenges
OVERVIEW: The woman dreams that she searches for her lover. It may reflect tension in their relationship, and she longs for reconciliation.
BIG IDEA: Use your words to express how you feel. Do not be a mind reader.
KEY VERSE: Song of Solomon 5:8 (the woman to her friends)
Make this promise, O women of Jerusalem— If you find my lover, tell him I am weak with love.
Do not be afraid of tension in your relationships. But do not ignore it, either. I created you to be in relationships with others, but your nature and inclination are to run from conflict. That is a tool of the enemy. Do not fear conflict. Instead, fear unresolved conflict. If you do not address the pain, a tiny spark might turn into a flaming fire. Ask friends to support you in prayer and to hold you accountable. And remember, most disagreements or misunderstandings have two sides. Own your part and ask for forgiveness.
And do not run from me when I pursue you. When there is conflict in our relationship, when you sin by choosing to go your way, I am always ready to forgive you. I love you, and that will not change. But don’t let it linger. Address your sin quickly; otherwise, the enemy may try to talk you out of it and justify your actions. Don’t listen to his lies. Receive my love and forgiveness, instead.
Don’t let another day pass without addressing any conflict in your relationships. If there are outstanding issues with several people, make a list and address one a day. If it’s only one person, call or text right now to set a time you can meet to talk.