SUMMARY: Everyone
OVERVIEW: God’s offer of salvation through faith in Christ is available to all people.
BIG IDEA: Salvation is available to all who call on the name of the Lord.
KEY VERSE: Romans 10:12-13 (Paul’s reminder)
Jew and Gentile are the same in this respect. They have the same Lord, who gives generously to all who call on him. For “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
You can call on my name for salvation wherever you are from and whatever you’ve been through. I eagerly offer my saving power to everyone you know, and even those you don’t know. Bring my simple message of salvation to all people, everywhere you go. When the time is right, be ready to share.
There is no form to fill out, no prayer to read or speech to give. There is no commitment to perfect living to be made or rituals to be followed. No one can earn salvation, regardless of how good they may appear. My gift is free and available to all who believe in their heart and proclaim the name of Jesus.
Being saved allows you to experience my power in your life now and forever. All is not lost, life is not meaningless, and death is not the end. Salvation is here. Say ‘yes’ to my offer, share it with others, and live with power and purpose.
Take a moment to think of someone in your life who is searching for salvation. If God brings someone to mind, look for opportunities to reach out to that person this week. If no one comes to mind, ask God to bring interested people into your life, and be prepared to build new relationships.