Revelation 1

Revelation 1. coming soon

Revelation 1:1-20

SUMMARYComing soon

OVERVIEWJohn explains the context of the book and how he received the words to write. He reminds us that God will bless all who hear and obey what he teaches.

BIG IDEAJesus is coming soon.

KEY VERSERevelation 1:8 (Jesus to the churches)
“I am the Alpha and the Omega—the beginning and the end,” says the Lord God. “I am the one who is, who always was, and who is still to come—the Almighty One.”

I have always been there. I will always be there. Life is unpredictable. Things will come that you never saw coming. Change is inevitable and necessary for growth. But I, the Almighty, am with you and have been with you always. I do not change. My love for you never dims. My interest in you never wains. I am always working around you and within you no matter what craziness life brings your way. 

Maybe you never expected a life-changing circumstance, but I did. Perhaps you were surprised when a trusted friend let you down, but I wasn’t. You may not understand why you are facing what you are facing, but I do. I am the Eternal One. Material things will not last, and this life will be over quickly. Your title, your level of fame, your bank account will not matter. Let me fill your life with the everlasting. Immerse yourself in a liberating river of life that never stops flowing. Invite others to join you while some time remains.

Is your life cluttered with material distractions? Make a list of things you can sell or give away to simplify your life. As you remove clutter, invest in the people God has put around you.