SUMMARY: Give praise
OVERVIEW: A call to praise God and celebrate who he is.
BIG IDEA: Praise God for who he is, for what he has done, and for what he is yet to do.
KEY VERSE: Psalm 96:2
Sing to the Lord; praise his name. Each day proclaim the good news that he saves.
I love when you sing to me. But I want you to think about what you’re singing. Do you believe it? Can you sing it with your whole heart without reservation? Can you sing it loudly and proudly? I want that for you. I want you to be secure in our relationship. I want you to know and experience my love and power. I want you to see demonstrations of my love and hear stories of changed lives. I want you to know there truly is nowhere else to turn to for peace and fulfillment.
When your whole body sees, and hears, and feels that, you won’t be able to stop singing my praise or telling others about me. That is what I want for you. Your songs and words please me, but they will do more for you. You’ll see. They will enable you to live with purpose and you will find great satisfaction in a life like that. Sing my praise and live with joy.
What prevents you from singing and sharing with others about God’s goodness? Talk to God about those things. Ask God to help you overcome them and then listen to some Christian music. Reflect on the words and sing as you are able.
[youtube id=”uZ5UyEvsUM0″]