SUMMARY: Reasons
OVERVIEW: A call to worship God for he is both great and good.
BIG IDEA: Worship God! Bow down before him! He is good! He is king!
KEY VERSE: Psalm 95:6-7
Come, let us worship and bow down. Let us kneel before the Lord our maker, for he is our God. We are the people he watches over, the flock under his care. If only you would listen to his voice today!
I love your praise. I love when you sing to me and go through your day with joy in your heart. I love seeing you at peace and hearing you hum or whistle. Those are sights and sounds that bring me joy. Continue to grow in your understanding of who I am. Learn all you can, but don’t keep your knowledge in your head. Let it flow throughout your body so you express joy, live with purpose, and love others.
I want to protect you from developing a hard heart. You’ve seen the consequences in your own life and you’ve read the stories in the Bible. I will do all I can to draw you to me, but you play a role in this. When you turn from me and go your own way, a shell begins to form around your heart. But that shell melts away when you sing to me and choose to follow me. Worship me today and let your heart grow and beat with joy and love.
Make a list of five thinks to thank God for and five reasons he is worthy of your praise. Then tell others of God’s goodness, and sing songs of praise to God today.
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