SUMMARY: No regrets
OVERVIEW: A psalm reminding us to live with an eternal perspective. A human’s days on earth are numbered, but God and his kingdom are everlasting.
BIG IDEA: Live today so you have no regrets tomorrow.
KEY VERSE: Psalm 90:12
Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom.
Stop thinking about yesterday and worrying about tomorrow. I want to do something in your life today, and I don’t want you to miss it. You won’t be able to hear me if you listen to the voices from your past. You won’t be able to see my activity if you are looking for answers to tomorrow’s problems. Today is the day I have given you. Seize it and make it memorable.
Don’t waste your time trying to conceal your sin. I see all and know all. Use your time wisely and confess your sin. I want to forgive you and am ready to do so. Ask me. Free yourself of all your worries and give them to me. Let me manage them while you focus on being still and listening to me. I am active in the world and I have plans for you. I may nudge you to stand up or speak up so be ready and follow my lead. Today is a great day. Follow me.
Ask God to give you opportunities to do something today that will have eternal impact—perhaps share your faith with someone, or ask someone if you can pray for them, or look for someone who is discouraged and simply be with them. Ask some friends to pray for your efforts and then give them an update.
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