Psalm 88

Psalm 88:1-18


OVERVIEWThe psalmist is in despair, surrounded by torment, and feels alone. Still, he continues to cry out to God, seeking help and deliverance.

BIG IDEACall on God throughout the day. He hears and he cares.

KEY VERSEPsalm 88:1–2
O Lord, God of my salvation, I cry out to you by day. I come to you at night. Now hear my prayer; listen to my cry.

Just as this Psalm does not tie up neatly like a bow, so your trouble or pain or doubt may linger. You may feel alone or dejected, wondering why you experience such things. You may feel overwhelmed and tired today and wake up the same tomorrow. I tell you these things so you do not base your belief on your feelings or your circumstances. Some of those feelings or pains may continue, but do not despair. I am a God who saves. I am a God who provides relief. You have to trust me and my timing.

So what do you do in the midst of despair? Cry out to me—day and night—every day. Call on me and know that I hear you and am with you. I will give you what you need each day. Do not look to the right or to the left for your answer. I am your answer, but trust me in the midst of your questions.

Never give up. Never ever give up. If you feel dejected or frustrated, ask a friend to pray for you. Read today’s key verse every time you need a reminder of God’s power and presence.


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