SUMMARY: Perspective
OVERVIEW: The joy and blessing of being with God and worshiping him in his temple (or at church!).
BIG IDEA: There is blessing for those who seek and serve God.
KEY VERSE: Psalm 84:10
A single day in your courts is better than a thousand anywhere else! I would rather be a gatekeeper in the house of my God than live the good life in the homes of the wicked.
I am with you always. During the week, I am by your side at work, as you travel, in the classroom, at home, or as you spend time with friends. If you seek me, you will find me. I am everywhere present, and I love when you call on me. I love when you ask for wisdom or guidance. I love when you read my word and ask me to lead you.
Still, do not miss the opportunity to gather with others who follow me and some who are exploring what that means for their lives. Make time at church a priority. There will be times you miss—for a variety of reasons—and I don’t want guilt hovering over your head. That does not come from me. But if you consistently miss or put other priorities above me, I will nudge you to put me first. You will find blessing at church, and you will be a blessing to others. Church is not the answer. I am the answer. But church will remind you to keep following me.
Invite someone you know who is not serving at church to serve alongside you to explore being on that ministry team. Or, ask someone you know who is not spending regular time with God if they would like you to teach them how you do it.
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