Psalm 81

Psalm 81:1-16


OVERVIEWGod laments that his people do not listen and obey, despite the fact that his faithfulness is on display.

BIG IDEAFollow God as he leads and live with no regrets.

KEY VERSEPsalm 81:13–14
Oh, that my people would listen to me! Oh, that Israel would follow me, walking in my paths! How quickly I would then subdue their enemies! How soon my hands would be upon their foes!

I want you to be faithful, not fickle. Faithfully follow me. Faithfully repent when you do not. Faithfully show my love to others, speaking kind words. Faithfully apologize when you do not. Faithfulness is not perfection, but it is an attitude of your heart. It is a drive that comes from a commitment deep within your soul. Choose to follow me and you will never second-guess that decision.

You cannot serve two masters. Jesus taught you that and the Bible is filled with stories of fickle followers with divided hearts. I am trying to simplify things: follow me. I am life. I am truth. I know these things because I am creator of all. Don’t follow a false god when you have the real one before you. Don’t live a life saying “If only I followed God.” Choose me today and stay connected regardless of the circumstances, and you will experience the power of a faith-filled life.

Try fasting for a day or for a meal or two (or from another habit). Let your hunger pangs remind you to have the same longing for God and remind you that he is all you need.


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