SUMMARY: Help us
OVERVIEW: Israel cries out to God for help. Jerusalem has been defeated and Israel hopes God can overlook their sin to deliver them for the glory of his name.
BIG IDEA: “God, I need you today. I need you now.”
KEY VERSE: Psalm 79:9
Help us, O God of our salvation! Help us for the glory of your name. Save us and forgive our sins for the honor of your name.
I do mourn over massacre. I am angered by the sin that provokes such a display. When my temple was defiled and Jerusalem destroyed, I saw all and I longed for the day when righteousness will prevail. Continue to cry out to me. I hear you and I feel your pain. But I also want you to look in the mirror. Israel experienced a consequence for their disobedience. I promised to protect them as they followed me, but they chose to go their own way. Don’t choose the same path.
I will protect and provide for you, but I want you to follow me. I do not expect you to be perfect. My love and promise is not contingent upon that. But don’t expect me to be harder on those you do not like than I am on you. Your sin pains me just as much as another’s sin impacts you. Follow me, and when you fail to do so, be quick to repent, and then follow me again.
When you are tempted to complain how others act or you are angered by what they say, first ask God to search your heart. Is there anything you are holding back that you need to confess? Anything you need to change?
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