Psalm 77

Psalm 77:1-20

SUMMARYNo comfort

OVERVIEWAsaph is distressed and does not feel comforted by God. But in the end, truth from the past overpowers his feelings in the present.

BIG IDEARemember all God has done in your life.

KEY VERSEPsalm 77:8–9
Is his unfailing love gone forever? Have his promises permanently failed? Has God forgotten to be gracious? Has he slammed the door on his compassion?

Cry out to me. I hear every utterance and I understand what you want to say when no words come out. Don’t run from me. Run to me. Seek me. You may feel forgotten. You may think you are alone. But neither is true. I will never leave you, and I will never forget what you need. I just may not provide in the way you want or in the timing you desire. But that does not change my love for you or my provision. I am still in control, and I will use these challenges in your life. Don’t give up!

You’ve read how I provided for Israel in the past. You’ve heard others share of my faithfulness. You have your own stories, too. Review them. Replay them in your mind when you feel stressed. Be comforted by them and may they remind you I am with you. Cry out and seek me with confidence, because I am with you. Get ready for a new story to tell…one in real time.

Don’t give up. Despite your despair, remember God’s goodness and how he has provided in the past. Remind yourself of 2-3 examples and thank God for them.


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