Psalm 74

Psalm 74:1-23


OVERVIEWThe psalmist cries out for God to take action, to rise up and defend himself after the Babylonians destroyed the temple.

BIG IDEAGod remembers. He never forgets. He always provides.

KEY VERSEPsalm 74:22–23
Arise, O God, and defend your cause. Remember how these fools insult you all day long. Don’t overlook what your enemies have said or their growing uproar.

I am a God who remembers. I keep my promises and have not forgotten you. I will never forget you or leave you alone. And you do not have to defend my honor. I am not taken aback or flustered when people reject me. I continue to call people to turn from their wicked ways and to follow me…even when they mock me or curse me or seek to destroy me. I am able to withstand their attacks. I cannot be defeated.

Instead, I want you to remember who I am. I am the one who brings salvation to the earth. I am the one who spilt open the sea for Israel to walk through, and I am the one who provided food for them in the desert. I am the one who created the sun and moon and all the natural beauty around you. I am powerful and provide everything you need. Call to me and I will answer. Trust me to supply your needs.

Who is an enemy or someone who gets on your nerves? It’s not necessary to strike back. Call on God to provide justice and trust his timing. Pray for your enemies today. Pray they follow God and pray you do, too.


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