Psalm 54

Psalm 54:1-7

SUMMARYNo allegiance

OVERVIEWThe Ziphites were only interested in protecting themselves, not in protecting an innocent man.

BIG IDEABe quick to pray, trust, and thank God when he delivers.

KEY VERSEPsalm 54:4
But God is my helper. The Lord keeps me alive!

I love when you call out to me. I hear you and I listen to your words. What you say and feel matters to me. You are not alone—you’re never isolated. You may be lonely at times or wonder where your friends and support system are. But I am here, and I will save you. I will vindicate you and free you from your enemy’s grasp or taunts.

Walk and live and breathe with the confidence that regardless of what others do or how they act towards you, I will be your help. I will provide for you and sustain you. So do not worry about what’s happening around you. Instead, continue to invest in our relationship. Worship me with praise. Show the world you believe through your actions and with your words. Keep your eyes on me. When distractions come your way, don’t flinch. I am all you need and I am with you always.

Don’t be frustrated by others’ actions. Turn your concerns into prayers. What is something you’re spending too much time thinking or worrying about? Call on God for help.


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