Psalm 52

Psalm 52:1-9


OVERVIEWThe foolishness of the wicked boasting of their evil deeds for God will judge them.

BIG IDEABeware of the poison your tongue can spew.

KEY VERSEPsalm 52:2
All day long you plot destruction. Your tongue cuts like a sharp razor; you’re an expert at telling lies.

Don’t puff out your chest and boast of evil deeds. Your actions may bring laughter and impress others, but it’s easy to impress fools. When you hurt others, or plot destruction, or destroy another with your words, you are wasting your time and talents. And you are injuring the very ones you should serve. Love what is good and true. Hate evil. Speak the truth and be repulsed by lies and deceit. But don’t be repulsed by what others say and do. Focus on your own words and actions. Let me worry about others.

I want to transform your wicked ways and words so that you can show love and speak kindness. I want your life to exemplify what I can do when you surrender to me. I want your tongue to offer my praise and to build others up. Trust in my unfailing love and watch me grow your soul, your character, your ministry…and your life.

Choose your words wisely. Pay attention to what you speak today, and be aware of how your words impact others. Search your heart for intent before you speak. Why are you saying what you’re saying? Be quick to ask forgiveness for any wrong word choices.

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