Psalm 51

Psalm 51:1-19


OVERVIEWDavid seeks God’s mercy and asks to be forgiven.

BIG IDEAYou never get out of sin what you hoped you’d find.

KEY VERSEPsalm 51:12
Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and make me willing to obey you.

Sin is costly, but I love to forgive. I love to show mercy. Even though you are guilty and deserve judgment, call out to me. Invite me to forgive you and I will. Ask me to cleanse you and to wipe away your sin. You were born with a propensity to sin. It comes naturally. But I offer a supernatural response. Stop striving. Stop trying to change your life on your own, using your own power. Surrender to me and ask me to take over.

Your sin is not private. That’s one of the world’s biggest lies. It affects you. It affects others. And it affects me. David responded humbly, seeking my forgiveness. He knew my character. He knew my compassion and never-ending love. I want you to know the same. I will deliver you from the penalty of your sin. But don’t waste time trying to show me love me through religious acts. Humble yourself before me. Bow down in  body and spirit, and you will be forgiven.

Recognize that sin is costly. Count the cost by making a list of the potential consequences if you give in to a particular area of temptation.


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