SUMMARY: Courtroom
OVERVIEW: God is judge of all the earth and wants our thankfulness, not just our sacrifice.
BIG IDEA: Don’t got through the motions in worship. Insincere and hypocritical worshippers are judged.
KEY VERSE: Psalm 50:3–4
Our God approaches, and he is not silent. Fire devours everything in his way, and a great storm rages around him. He calls on the heavens above and earth below to witness the judgment of his people.
You are faithful to give your time and money. But I want so much more. Your time and money have value, but I have all I need. I have it all for I made it all. But I want you—your whole person. I want your heart. I want your sincerity. I want you to acknowledge who I am, what I’ve done, and what I’m doing by simply saying “thank you.” But don’t miss my point. It’s not the words—I can get those—it’s the heart behind them.
There are many in the world who ignore me, resist me, or deny me. Some think they are getting away with things because I don’t respond. I will in time. But more than anything I want to show them my salvation. I want them to trade what they think they want for what they really need—me. That’s why your sincere thanks is so important. Distinguish yourself from those who go their own way. I am your God and I love you.
Confess any insincere or hypocritical attitudes toward God. Evaluate your intensity of singing at church. Are you indifferent or are you focused and engaged? Worship God honestly and passionately this week.
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