Psalm 46

Psalm 46:1-11


OVERVIEWA reminder that God is in control even when things get—seemingly—out of control.

BIG IDEANever give up or doubt God’s faithfulness, even in challenging times.

KEY VERSEPsalm 46:1
God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble.

Be still. Step out of the busy, chaotic room you find yourself in and look to me. Remember who I am and keep that truth before you when you re-enter the noise and tumult. I want you to be able to rise above the uproar and breathe long breaths of calm and peace. If I can run the world, I can run your life.

Take your hands off the steering wheel. Relinquish control. In fact, move out of the driver’s seat. I am your God, not your co-pilot. Let me not only navigate but also take you to places you did not think possible. You may be troubled by where I take you or you may begin to fear, but remember who I am. I am your refuge—your protector. I am your strength—your power. I am ever-present—your confidence. Look to me and keep your eyes on me. I know you have plans you want me to bless, but I want you to follow me. Come and see what I am going to do.

Stop worrying and start worshipping. God is with you. He will never leave you. Identify one thing that worries you and turn it into a prayer. Every time you think of what worries you, stop and pray.


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