SUMMARY: God’s victory
OVERVIEW: Israel remembers how God provided for them in the past and cries out for God to help them in their current need
BIG IDEA: Remember what God did in the past so you can trust him in the future.
KEY VERSE: Psalm 44:6–7 (reminder that God gives us victory)
I do not trust in my bow; I do not count on my sword to save me. You are the one who gives us victory over our enemies; you disgrace those who hate us.
You will face much confusion and frustration in this world, but do not be overwhelmed by it. One thing remains constant amidst life’s turmoil: I am your ever present help. Remember what I have done in the past. Don’t just think about those times—talk about them. Share the stories. Regardless of how long ago they happened, the same source for those victories is with you today—me!
I want you to trust me in your trials. I want you to continue to believe in me when you fail or when your prayer doesn’t get answered the way you hoped. I have not changed. Your circumstances will change, but I won’t. Can you trust me in the dark as you can in the light? Do not forget about me. I am not sleeping. I am with you and protecting you. You don’t see it but I am at work. Walk with me as you endure challenges and hardship. I am with you.
Identify a way God has provided for you in the past. Thank God for his faithfulness and for how he provided in the past, and continue to cry out to him for your current need.
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