SUMMARY: Priceless
OVERVIEW: David describes the faithful, magnificent love of God.
BIG IDEA: God’s unfailing love is priceless.
KEY VERSE: Psalm 36:7 (from David)
How precious is your unfailing love, O God! All humanity finds shelter in the shadow of your wings.
My heart longs for those far from me. They are far only in their hearts for I am close to them, ever hopeful they will turn to me. It breaks my heart that they put such effort into deceit and destruction. I have given them gifts and talents for good but they use them for evil. Do not follow their ways, but do pray for them. Pray and don’t stop. Many people give up on others. I never do and I don’t want you to either.
Instead, remember the height and depth of my love. There are no words for it but it’s higher than the tallest mountain and more unfathomable than the deepest ocean. Truly, there are no words. Rest in what’s true about you—I love you and have plans for you to showcase my name and my love and my forgiveness offered to humanity. Enjoy life as my child. Imagine my arms as wings covering you, for your protection and comfort.
Have you recently reflected on God’s love for you? Make a list of at least three ways God has shown you his love. Share your list with someone or text it to yourself and review it throughout the day.
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