SUMMARY: Go offensive
OVERVIEW: David acknowledges two types of enemies, those who attack him and those who accuse him. He prays for deliverance and promises to praise God.
BIG IDEA: Let God act on your behalf as warrior and defender.
KEY VERSE: Psalm 35:1 (David’s prayer)
O Lord, oppose those who oppose me. Fight those who fight against me.
Sadly, the world is filled with those who will attack you for believing in me or accuse you of things you never did. I will fight for you. I will defend your honor and mine. But live fearlessly. Live with confidence, focusing more on what I think than what others think. Invite me to search your heart, and if you have nothing to confess, ignore what others say. If you do, then confess it and live as a loved and forgiven child of mine.
I am aware of what you are experiencing. I see what is happening and I hear what is said. I will never leave you, however. You are not alone. I won’t always respond in the way or time you desire, but I am at work. There are many things I’m seeking to accomplish in your life and in those around you, so continue to look to me and trust me. I am with you.
Are you pressured or persecuted and not sure what to do? Have you been wrongly accused? Don’t sit back and be attacked. Boldly bring your request to God. Ask him to defeat your enemy. Ask him to defend you. Seek support from others, as well.
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