SUMMARY: Tide turned
OVERVIEW: This psalm includes several contrasts: from death to life, from weeping to rejoicing, and from sadness to dancing.
BIG IDEA: God turns sadness to gladness.
KEY VERSE: Psalm 30:11–12 (David’s prayer)
You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy, that I might sing praises to you and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever!
When you feel you are in over your head or too far gone for me to care, you are wrong. I will not let your enemies triumph and I will never leave you. You may feel like you’re stuck in a pit with no escape, but don’t trust those feelings. I am with you. Continue to call to me. I will provide. My timing may be different than what you desire, but you are mine and never forgotten.
In fact, my grace, my mercy, and my favor last forever. You may be disciplined for a moment but that is simply a reminder for you to turn to me. I am all you need. When you go astray, I will seek to bring you back. Too often your pursuit for pleasure will turn to pain, weeping and mourning. I am your heavenly father and I love you. I offer you life and want to turn your sorrow to joy and praise. Let me do it today.
Who is someone who needs encouragement today? Remind them that God has not left them or forgotten them. Call, visit, or text the person to remind them God is with them and listening to their prayers. Take time to pray for that person as well.
“Why me?” from When the Game Stands Tall
BONUS Lyric Video
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