Psalm 25

Psalm 25:1-22


OVERVIEWDavid’s prayer for forgiveness and mercy.

BIG IDEATrust God for guidance, protection, comfort, and forgiveness.

KEY VERSEPsalm 25:4–5 (David’s prayer)
Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow. Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you.

Trust in me and you will not be shamed. My enemies will be shamed, not my children. But when you choose to place your trust in someone or something other than me, you make yourself vulnerable. Why do that? Instead, follow me. I will guide you and teach you and give you hope. Receive that—it’s all you’ll ever need! My hope and instruction are far more valuable than what your flesh or mind may desire.

I am full of mercy and love. Stop striving to attain them. Instead, open them as a gift. Receive them. They are yours. Enjoy them. Don’t cast them aside. Hurry and impatience will steer you wrong. Wait on me. Drink deeply of my love. Breathe it in so that you may breathe it out and share my love with others. Make disciples by teaching others to live and obey all I have commanded you.

Identify a specific area where you need to place your trust in God. Ask God for help and commit that area to him. Then tell someone what you did and ask them to pray for you.


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