SUMMARY: Praise God
OVERVIEW: David gives God thanks for his victories in battle.
BIG IDEA: Thank God for all he provides.
KEY VERSE: Psalm 21:13 (from David)
Be exalted in your strength, Lord; we will sing and praise your might.
I love to bless you. I enjoy giving you your heart’s desire and more. I like the look of surprise in your eye when you receive more than expected. It’s fun hearing you share your joy with others. And when you point to me, giving me credit for what you have received, I am deeply satisfied. Do not withhold your requests. I will not answer every prayer the way you desire, but I will answer every prayer the way you need.
When you are challenged or frustrated by others, when you are unfairly treated, speak with me about it. Don’t wait until you’ve tried everything else. Come to me right away. Let me be your first thought. Pray and invite me into your difficult relationship. Let me work in you and in the lives of all involved. I want to show you my strength. I want to protect you. And I love to hear your praise.
Be quick to thank God today for all he has done and for all he is doing. We are good at asking God for things but can forget to thank him. Stop and give thanks to God now.
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