Psalm 19

Psalm 19:1-14


OVERVIEWThe glory of God displayed through creation and the power and love of God revealed through his word.

BIG IDEAThe heavens declare God’s glory and the Bible does, too!

KEY VERSEPsalm 19:1–2  (David’s declaration)
The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship. Day after day they continue to speak; night after night they make him known.

Look up and around. See my glory. Experience my beauty and power. Don’t simply glance at a sunrise or sunset. Don’t be bored by a rainbow. Stop and ponder. Recognize my power and might. Be overwhelmed by who I am.

I am your creator, but I am also your heavenly father. I love that you’re reading my word. They are not just words on a page or screen. They are life. My word can do so much for you. It can literally breathe life into your soul, give joy to your heart, and light to your eyes. Read it but don’t race through it. Reading plans are valuable, but hearing from me surpasses completing an assignment. Don’t miss the love I have for you in my word, or the hope, or the encouragement. There’s plenty of direction and re-direction. May my word give you strength and courage in your day. See my glory and live in my glory today.

At each meal, pause and evaluate your words from the previous hours. Give yourself a grade at each meal. Are your words declaring God’s glory and encouraging people? Or are you critical and negative? 


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