Psalm 15

Psalm 15:1-5

SUMMARYRock solid

OVERVIEWDavid provides traits of a healthy faith.

BIG IDEAFollow God and enjoy his blessing.

KEY VERSEPsalm 15:5b
Such people will stand firm forever.

I am a rock and a strong tower, and the righteous man or woman is, too. They will never be shaken. When you speak truth, when you care for your neighbor, when you use your tongue to bless instead of curse, you are living well. When you honor others, when you keep your promises, when you share your wealth, your heart beats in synch with my own. Your strength will be evident to all.

But when you don’t do these things, I am still with you. When you blow it and hurt others or live selfishly, there are consequences. But that does not change my love for you. It’s simply a reminder that there is a better way to live. Don’t try harder. Turn to me. Ask me for strength. Give me all the emotion and let me empower you to take one step at a time. Stop trying to live perfectly and learn to receive my love completely. When you fail but you turn to me, your strength will be evident to all.

Pray through this psalm, pausing after each verse to ask God to reveal any areas in your life that need attention.


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