Psalm 137

Psalm 137:1-9


OVERVIEWIsrael mourns over their captivity. They weep and cannot sing songs of joy.

BIG IDEAEmotions are healthy. Cry out to God.

KEY VERSEPsalm 137:4
But how can we sing the songs of the Lord while in a pagan land?

It is good to voice your frustration and disappointment. Join with others and take time to mourn. Pour out your heart to me and others. Don’t pretend you are without pain. Don’t put on a happy face for the benefit of others. Cry and shout and let it out. Listen to others while they do the same. Acknowledge the harm others did to you or those you love.

The most difficult thing you may face is waiting on me to bring judgment. It will be done, but it won’t always be done in the manner or the timing that you desire. I do not look the other way to sin. Jesus died because of sin, so I understand the pain. But in your anger and in your angst, do not seek revenge. I will bring judgment and there will be consequences, but leave those to me. Trust me as you wait, and let my Holy Spirit bring you comfort.

Talk to God about your disappointments and frustrations. Be honest and specific. Talk to God about what or who makes you angry, but leave the judgment to God.


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