Psalm 133

Psalm 133:1-3


OVERVIEWImages of the power and beauty and impact of unity in relationships.

BIG IDEAHealthy relationships are a blessing.

KEY VERSEPsalm 133:1
How wonderful and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony!

I love hearing laughter. I love seeing genuine signs of embrace. I get excited when you submit to someone you may not agree with out of respect for the person and love for me. I find much pleasure when my children work together to honor me and build my kingdom than their own platforms and ministries. It is good, right, and pleasant for my children to live and work and serve as one. This is the body of Christ in action, demonstrating to a broken world the hope I can bring.

It refreshes like healing rain on a thirsty-land. It shows honor like a bride and groom preparing for their wedding. Do not discount the power of unity. Do not dismiss the bond of love. When I see my children working together to love and serve one another, I am eager to bring blessing. And my blessing is a rich, satisfied life.

Pray for and pursue unity in all your relationships. Is there someone to whom you need to apologize? Is there someone to whom you need to show love? Perhaps there’s someone you can thank for their friendship.


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BONUS Video Clip
“Stronger Together” from Fast & Furious 6