Psalm 131

Psalm 131:1-3


OVERVIEWThe blessing of humility and faith.

BIG IDEATrust God and find peace.

KEY VERSEPsalm 131:1
Lord, my heart is not proud; my eyes are not haughty. I don’t concern myself with matters too great or too awesome for me to grasp.

Don’t look at others with an air of superiority. Don’t walk into a room with a critical spirit, identifying what you like or don’t like and imagine how you would have done things differently. Don’t allow your heart to swell with pride when others fail or do not meet your measure of performance. That kind of attitude is sick and needs renewal. I can do that for you, but I invite you to begin the process. Confess your bad attitude and ask me to remake and remold your heart and mind.

Acknowledge what you have with gratitude. Be thankful for what it is and appreciate it. Talk to people with a glad heart. Be genuinely interested in them, not what they can do for you. Acknowledge others’ efforts. If they invite your feedback, share with grace. But recognize their unique gifting and acknowledge my work in their life. When you trust me and follow me I will bring you peace and joy.

Choose to fast for the day or for a meal. (If fasting from food is not a healthy choice for you, choose another habit from which to abstain.) When you feel hungry, take moment to thank God that you can be content in his presence, even when you don’t have everything you crave.


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