SUMMARY: Reality check
OVERVIEW: A psalm recognizing we need God’s help and deliverance.
BIG IDEA: If God didn’t provide, we wouldn’t survive.
KEY VERSE: Psalm 124:8
Our help is from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.
Do you know what it means that I am on your side? That I am for you? That I not only love you but I like you? Have you grasped that significance? Have you owned that in your heart and soul? When you do, your fear will lessen and your confidence will increase. Your anxiety level will dissolve and the peace in your life will surge. You will listen to stories and watch the news with calm, knowing that I am beside you and all around the world.
You will experience trials and troubles, but you are free. You will hear words of anger and contempt, but you are loved. I am your help. I am all you will ever need. I am the maker of heaven and earth. All will bow and surrender to me. Keep your eyes on me and rest. Look to me and give thanks. I love to hear your praise. Your songs and prayers honor me and strengthen your soul.
Develop the habit of being quick to pray rather than using prayer as your last resource. Keep track of how many times you pray for God’s help today. Strive for at least ten.
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