Psalm 122

Psalm 122:1-9

SUMMARYIntercessory prayer

OVERVIEWPrayer for the peace and prosperity of Jerusalem.

BIG IDEAPray for the peace, security, and blessing of others.

KEY VERSEPsalm 122:1
I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord.”

I love when you pray. I love when you seek me and when you call on my name to guide you and provide for you. Continue to do that on your behalf as well as for your family, your community, and the world. Peace is needed everywhere. My shalom is to be shared with all so that many will find health and wholeness and blessing. Seeking peace does not remove life’s challenges, but it does cast vision and reminds others that I am the one who brings hope and healing. I am the one to whom they should surrender.

Do this for the sake of your family and friends and those in need around the world. Be a person of prayer, a person of peace. But don’t just pray. Roll up your sleeves and work for that which you are praying. Invite others to join you and work shoulder-to-shoulder in praying for and living for peace. I will give you strength and unity as you do so.

Boldly pray for others. Ask someone today if you can pray for their peace and blessing.


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