SUMMARY: Nonstop praise
OVERVIEW: We are told why we should praise God all day long.
BIG IDEA: God is great and deserves our praise.
KEY VERSE: Psalm 113:3
Everywhere—from east to west— praise the name of the Lord.
Life is not confined to a formula, but if you want purpose and focus and joy in your life, take time to praise me. It will be good for you. And there’s no time limitation. You are always invited to bring me praise. Regardless of your age or season of life, there are reasons to praise me. Lift me up! Exalt my name! Voice to others your trust in me. Point them in my direction.
You can do it wherever you are. From the time the sun reveals itself until it disappears each day, find the time to give me praise. Don’t limit yourself to once or twice a day. Develop a habit or rhythm of praise. I want to hear your praise to become as natural and constant as breathing. And why wouldn’t you live this way? Who is like me? No one! Many scream for your attention and claim to warrant praise, but I am the one who sits in the seat of leadership. I am the eternal, all-powerful one you can trust. Praise me today.
Set an alarm to go off every hour you’re awake and when it does, stop to praise God.
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