SUMMARY: God’s provision
OVERVIEW: A wonderful overview of who God is and what he has done.
BIG IDEA: Review and remember all God has done.
KEY VERSE: Psalm 111:2–3
How amazing are the deeds of the Lord! All who delight in him should ponder them. Everything he does reveals his glory and majesty. His righteousness never fails.
Stop searching for answers. Stop looking for the sure thing or quick fix. Take advantage of opportunities that come your way or that motivate you, but recognize that I am the source for all you need. When you hunt and search and look for solutions, you are really looking for me. I am here. I have always been with you. There’s no need to look for me. Turn to me and receive me. Let me lead you.
I have shown you my power. I have revealed my provision. I have been gracious and compassionate. I have provided food when you needed it and protection even when you were unaware. Look back and review all I have done. You will never know the full extent of my love. Turn to me and trust me. My way is healthy and hopeful and lined with love. Put me first. Fear me and learn to live in new ways with new habits and new strength.
Are you aware of the numerous ways God has provided for you? Make a list of the first 5+ things that come to mind and post on your favorite social media site or share with a friend.
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