SUMMARY: Jesus introduced
OVERVIEW: David is prophesying of the reign and role of Jesus Christ as Lord, king, priest, and judge.
BIG IDEA: God is victorious today and always.
KEY VERSE: Psalm 110:1
The Lord said to my Lord, “Sit in the place of honor at my right hand until I humble your enemies, making them a footstool under your feet.”
When you are overwhelmed, look to me. When you need protection, look to me. When you seek wisdom, look to me. When you are uncertain, look to me. When you need renewal, look to me. When you want a friend, look to me. When you are tired, look to me. When you need judgment, look to me. When you want revenge, look to me. When you are angry, look to me. When you need forgiveness, look to me. When you want a fresh start, look to me.
I will provide all you need and all you could ever want. You will have numerous options for fulfillment and hope in a hurting and searching world, but I am always the answer. Be a voice of hope and comfort in a world hungry for identity and meaning. Point them to me and follow me as I lead you, protect you, and provide for you.
Make a point of choosing to pray immediately today whenever you are tempted, have a question, or are concerned.
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