Psalm 108

Psalm 108:1-13


OVERVIEWThe psalmist relies on God, recognizing he is lost without God’s help.

BIG IDEATrue help comes from the Lord.

KEY VERSEPsalm 108:12–13
Oh, please help us against our enemies, for all human help is useless. With God’s help we will do mighty things, for he will trample down our foes.

Don’t discount what I can do in your life. More so, don’t ignore what I want to do. I love you and am eager to not only be part of your life but to lead it. Allow me to do so. There are many options available to you and most I have put in motion. However, apart from me, human help is worthless. Don’t seek an answer or solution and leave me out of it. Seek me first and allow me to lead.

I am the one who brings relief. I am the one who provides aid. I am the one through whom you will gain victory. Seek me and trust me. Your answer may not come quickly or in the way you imagine, but I have not forgotten you. I am here and will always provide for you. Seek me and follow me forever. Keep your eyes open for all I will do.

Identify an issue that concerns you. Spend a day (or possibly the rest of the week) and commit it to prayer. Ask others to join you and, together, pray for God’s wisdom or relief and patiently await his reply.


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