Psalm 107

Psalm 107:1-43

SUMMARYStory time

OVERVIEWAnother Psalm of Israel’s history, highlighting God’s faithfulness and provision.

BIG IDEAGive thanks for all God has done and joyfully share your story with others.

KEY VERSEPsalm 107:1–2
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever. Has the Lord redeemed you? Then speak out! Tell others he has redeemed you from your enemies.

Give thanks for all I have done. I have saved you from yourself. I have saved you from the curse of the law. I have saved you from the power of the enemy. I have saved you from loneliness. I have saved you from aimlessness. I have saved you from selfishness. You are now free. You are free to live and love and serve and enjoy all I bring your way. You are free to use your gifts in ways that will bring you joy as you build my kingdom.

I want you to share your story of faith—our story—and let others know I want to do the same for them. Tell others all I have done and what I am yet to do. So many sit in darkness and suffer—even rebel—but they don’t have to. I am at work in their lives, so let them hear your story and I will look forward to the day they also give thanks.

Share your faith story with someone today—even a small part. Give thanks to God for his unfailing love.

“Jesus’ illustrated story” from Amistad

BONUS Lyric Video

[youtube id=”mPCBz2YSGo4″]