SUMMARY: Job description
OVERVIEW: God’s faithfulness throughout Israel’s history.
BIG IDEA: God’s faithfulness motivates us to follow and praise him.
KEY VERSE: Psalm 105:1
Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim his greatness. Let the whole world know what he has done.
You’ve heard all that I’ve done for Israel. You’ve read the stories and imagined them in your mind. Read and re-read them again. I want those stories to remain fresh, to remind you of my power, my faithfulness, and my love. I want them to encourage you and motivate you to live for me. Share them with others. Talk about my provision throughout history and what I have done and am doing in your life today.
Don’t be discouraged or distracted when things don’t go your way. You don’t get to control everything. You do have the option to seek me and trust me, however. I am the one you can rely on. I am the one you can trust. You are never outnumbered when I am with you. Don’t shrink back when the task seems overwhelming. Seek me and listen. I may want you to go forward, despite the odds. Focus on following me, and let me take care of the rest.
Share one example of God’s faithfulness in your life or from the Bible with someone who needs to be encouraged today.
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