SUMMARY: Defender
OVERVIEW: A prayer against the arrogant and the wicked.
BIG IDEA: Even when we feel overwhelmed and distraught from the wickedness in the world, we can be comforted that God sees, cares, and will respond.
KEY VERSE: Psalm 10:17–18
Lord, you know the hopes of the helpless. Surely you will hear their cries and comfort them. You will bring justice to the orphans and the oppressed, so mere people can no longer terrify them.
I know there are times you think I don’t care, that I’m distracted or ignoring the pain you or others experience. I see the pride and arrogance and wickedness in the world. Many reject me. They dismiss my presence and do as they please. They think I don’t notice what they do. But I do. I see all and I hear all. Don’t be like them. Don’t be foolish.
Instead, be hopeful. I’m aware of the trouble and grief and I’m taking action. I may not always respond in the way or time you desire, but that’s when I want you to trust me. I will defend the fatherless and the oppressed. I will take action in this age and the one to come. Trust me. Be available to help those I send your way. I don’t need your help, but I invite you to be part of what I am doing today.
Take time today to thank God for his provision and protection. Pray specifically. How has he helped and provided for you? Look for a way to serve someone in need. Keep your eyes open and take action. You may be the answer to someone’s prayer.
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