SUMMARY: Noble character
OVERVIEW: Descriptions of a godly woman and a reminder to honor her.
BIG IDEA: Honor and praise faith-filled women.
KEY VERSE: Proverbs 31:30
Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.
Some women who can lead you astray. I love them and want them to follow me, but stay away from them. Do not fall into their trap. Other women have invested in you and care for you. Love them. Respect them. Honor them. Serve them and build into their lives. Exalt and honor the dignity of motherhood. Be thankful for your mother and show kindness to the moms you know. Look for ways to encourage and support them.
Please note, there is nothing in this chapter about a woman’s beauty. I have made women of all shapes and sizes and with a variety of features. Do not respond to them according to how they look but, rather, according to my love for them. Help women know I created them with value and worth. Some enjoy fashion and design, and that is reasonable considering I gave them the ability to think and see with a creative flair. Just remind them my love is consistent and will never change. It is not dependent on how they look or what they wear.
Women, pursue noble character. Men, pray for your wife or future wife and show honor to the women in your life.