Proverbs 20

Proverbs 20:1-30


OVERVIEWInstructions on honest, wise living.

BIG IDEADon’t be surprised when excessive alcohol leads you astray (verse 1) or laziness leaves you hungry (verses 4, 13).

KEY VERSEProverbs 20:17
Stolen bread tastes sweet, but it turns to gravel in the mouth.

Cause and effect is real. It’s the law of the harvest—you reap what you sow. What kinds of seeds are you planting? How well do you care for your life’s garden? Experiment this week by infusing energy into conversations. Speak words of hope to those who are discouraged. Make yourself available to those who mourn—sit and be still with them. Serve them only if they request. Be present—not busy.

Just as harsh words build walls and lying lips separate friends, kindness and truth-telling can create the opposite result. When you fall short, be quick to confess. Own your sin, and ask for forgiveness. Humble yourself and start anew. Extend grace to those who need it. Love, humility, grace, forgiveness, and kindness are fruits you’ll discover when you follow me. Walk with me and learn to develop ears that hear my instruction and eyes that see my activity.

Notice what happens when you’re tempted to take shortcuts in life. And do you avoid addressing conflict? Choose to work hard this week and to honor God in how you interact with others.