Proverbs 10

Proverbs 10:1-32

SUMMARYComparison shopping

OVERVIEWFor those deciding between the benefits of wisdom or the destruction of folly, this proverb offers numerous comparisons.

BIG IDEAThe wise and righteous can rest.

KEY VERSEProverb 10:4
Lazy people are soon poor; hard workers get rich.

I want you to know how much I love you. I tell you and show you, but I want your heart and mind to overflow with the knowledge and understanding of my love for you and commitment to you. I want you to receive my love like a bowl with a lid, so you can contain the truth and never let it out. Sometimes your bowl leaks or the lid isn’t secure, and you begin to forget and doubt how I feel. Let me plug the bowl and secure the lid.

I want to bless you, but the enemy wants to use you. I want to give you purpose and for you to know your value, but the enemy wants you to consume doubt and anxiety. My love is eternal—it will never change. The enemy’s promises are lies. They are deceptive and designed to harm you. Follow me and allow me to build you up and breathe life into you.

Talk to a friend about a specific situation. Explore what wisdom would look like in the best-case scenario. Compare it to what foolishness would look like in the worst-case scenario.