SUMMARY: Eternal perspective
OVERVIEW: Paul recognizes that God is in control, and regardless of his circumstances, he will praise God.
BIG IDEA: God knows what he’s doing.
KEY VERSE: Philippians 1:6 (Paul’s reminder)
And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.
I want you to trust me when you are frustrated and feel like you’re getting nowhere. I want you to take a deep, calming breath and be at peace that I am still at work in your life. I will complete all that I started in you. Be patient. It will come. Pray with a sense of expectation and peace. Until then, your job is to seek me and love and serve those around you.
Whatever challenge you face is not a surprise to me. I don’t sleep, and no detail is too insignificant for me to miss. You may not like your surroundings or your current circumstance, but I am with you, and I am deploying you to live for me in the way you think and in how you speak and act towards those around you. Sing songs of praise for I am at work. Trust me. Join me. Experience all I have for you.
The next time you feel down or confused as to why things are not going your way, or if you feel frustrated for not accomplishing all you hoped to do, review and reflect on verses 12-14. Use them as a guide to consider what God might be doing in your life and those around you.
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