Numbers 30

Numbers 30:1-16


OVERVIEW: God shares the power and expectations for those who make a promise.

BIG IDEAA promise is “a small sanctuary of trust within the jungle of unpredictability.” –Lewis Smedes

KEY VERSENumbers 30:2 (God to Israel)
A man who makes a vow to the Lord or makes a pledge under oath must never break it. He must do exactly what he said he would do.

I am a promise keeper. I will always follow through and keep my word. You can count on me to do what I said. Review my promises and read them as my commitment to you. They are not just words on a page but, instead, they are my heart to you. I want you to receive my promises and rest. I want them to give you calm amidst turbulence in your life. I want my words to give you peace as you follow me in new ways, and I want them to provide you with courage as you stand for me and against evil.

I want others to have a similar response to you—to be able to count on you. Learn from my commitment and example, and be a person who others can trust. Be a person of integrity. If that is difficult for you, ask me for help. Let’s build your resume of trust one step and one promise at a time.

Choose your words wisely. Be a truth-teller and follow through on all your promises. If you have any outstanding commitments, take care of those today.