Numbers 28

Numbers 28:1-31

SUMMARYDaily offerings

OVERVIEW: God reviews the various offerings with Moses, including daily, weekly, monthly, and annual ones.

BIG IDEAEvery day belongs to God, and every day is a day to worship him.

KEY VERSEPsalm 141:2 (David’s prayer)
Accept my prayer as incense offered to you, and my upraised hands as an evening offering.

Offer yourself to me each day. Arise with gratitude, walk with humility, receive my blessings and share them with others. Know I am your God and that I will be with you. During your day, pause and remember that I am giving you air to breathe, the ability to communicate, people to love, and my very presence. Before, during, or after meals, think of me! Thank me for my provision and pray for those with unmet needs. Ask me how you can help meet those needs.

At the end of your day, reflect on all that I did. Rejoice in your steps of faith and commit to taking the new ones I will provide. Confess any sin and ask me to prepare you for the upcoming day. And as you close your eyes, remember me. Thank me for my faithfulness. I am always with you, but I love your gratitude. Pray for those you care for and any needs that arose. And then let your body and mind rest.

Worship God today. Before each meal today, take a walk or stop to pray, giving thanks to God for his faithfulness and provision. (Start now!)